SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – March 27, 2019 CommGap CEO Lelani Craig served as a panel member for the University of Utah’s “Going Global” event, held on March 27th for students looking to branch out and extend their careers into the global market. Lelani spoke on the need of intercultural skills in the workplace, and the added value of global experience for those seeking employment in relevant fields. Of the event, she said the following: “I am always honored to be asked to participate in the University of Utah’s Global events. As an alumnus, I am grateful to have the opportunity to give back to the students and help promote the language industry. Language and technology are an important part of the global economy.”

Ensign College Features Lelani Craig in Alumni Stories
First published on Alumni Stories - Ensign College and used with permission, read about founder Lelani Craig's personal and business journey below: The sayings “there is no growth in the comfort zone” and “there is no comfort in the growth zone” are more easily...